Record Review

United States, Canada, Australia Only

Since 2012, the DIPG/DMG Registry has offered over 400 free record reviews to newly diagnosed patients from the doctors and researchers of the Registry. To receive a free record review, please click the link below and provide your information so we may contact you to assist. Most inquiries are followed-up within 72 business hours and the doctors or researchers of the Registry may be able to provide information on or recommend active clinical trials for which patients may be eligible.

Contact Us To Receive a Record Review

Further assistance may be obtained by registering in the DIPG/DMG Registry (hyperlink of “registering”), and contacting the Registry staff (hyperlink of “contacting”) thus providing information to help with more specific questions. Secondary contact after registration in the Registry may take 2-3 weeks, depending on delays in submission of data from your treating hospital. You can check to see if your data has been submitted by contacting us.

Please be aware that all record reviews are not intended to replace direct contact with a DIPG/DMG medical professional locally, nor are they intended to recommend treatments. The intention of the free record review service is to provide patients and families with relevant tools to assist in making good decisions to help with their care. Please be aware that record reviews with non-guardian family members may be limited due to medical privacy concerns.

Record reviews are usually most efficient when the diagnosing or treating physician begins the process, since the registry physician will need to review the patient’s medical records. As a patient or family member, you may ask the treating physician to contact us for a record review. However, patients or family members may also contact Registry experts directly.

Radiological/MRI Confirmation

As part of every enrollment in the Registry, all radiological submissions are peer reviewed by the DIPG/DMG Registry team. Although rare, in some cases, abnormalities may be detected that can change the treatment path of the patient. In these cases, the Registry team will reach out to the treating physician to communicate this information. This is a free service of the DIPG/DMG Registry.

For additional information or questions, see below:

In the United States, please contact:

International DIPG/DMG Registry Coordination Center

Trent Hummel, MD
Associate Professor of Clinical Pediatrics
Co-Director of The Cure Starts Now Foundation Brain Tumor Center
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Cincinnati, Ohio


In Canada, please contact:

Anirban Dass, MBBS, MD, DM

Assistant Professor
Division of Hematology/Oncology
The Hospital for Sick Children
Toronto, ON, Canada


Eric Bouffet, MD, FRCP(C)

Director, Pediatric Neuro-Oncology Program
Professor of Pediatrics
The Hospital for Sick Children
Toronto, ON, Canada


Craig Erker MD, MS, FRCPC

Pediatric Hematologist/Oncologist
Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics
Division of Hematology/Oncology
IWK Health Centre
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada


In Australia, please contact:

Timothy Hassall, MD

Senior Staff Specialist in Pediatric Oncology
Department of Oncology
Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital
South Brisbane, Queensland, Australia